Barbados – Bibliography

Barbados, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2007) “Returning Nationals Information Booklet” Second Edition,

Beckles, Hilary McD (2006). A History of Barbados From Amerindian Settlement to Caribbean Single Market. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Contribution of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR) Compilation Report – Universal Periodic Revie, July 2012.

Gmelch, G. (1987). “Work, Innovation, and Investment: The Impact of Return Migration in Barbados.” Human Organization, 46: 131-140.

Greenwood, Robert y Shirley Hamber (2003). Revisado por Brian Dyde. Caribbean Certificate His- tory 3 Decolonisation and Development. New York: Macmillan.

Henry, Frances y Dwaine E. Plaza, editores (2006). Returning to the Source. The Final Stage of the Migration Circuit. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.

Hillman, S. Richard y Thomas J. D’Agostino (2009). Understanding The Contemporary Caribbean. 2nd Edition. Boulder, Colorado: Lynn Rienner Publishers.

Informe Nacional de Barbados para el SICREMI 2012.

Lowenthal, David (1957). “The Population of Barbados.” Social and Economic Studies 6:445-501.
Roberts, George W. (1955). “Emigration from the Island of Barbados.” Social and Economic Studies, 4(3): 245-88.

Sutton, C., y S. Makiesky (1975). Migration and West Indian Racial and Political Consciousness. In Migration and Development: Implications for Ethnic Identity and Political Conflict. H. I. Safa and B. Du Toit, eds. Chicago: Aldine, 113-144.

Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth (2002). Caribbean Migration. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.

Laws and Regulations

Immigration Law, Cap. 190 (February 2, 1976)
Barbados Citizenship Act, Cap. 186 (November 30, 1966) Constitution of Barbados (1966)

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