This part of the publication includes summaries and statistical tables for each country participating in the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI). Each report contains a historical synthesis of the international migration of each country since its independence, as well as a summary of the regulatory framework that regulates the entry and stay of migrants, the acquisition of nationality and, for some countries, the regulations regarding immigration. asylum and the recognition of refugee status, as well as the regularization of immigrants in an irregular situation.
Country reports are based on information provided to the Organization of American States by the SICREMI national correspondent designated by each participating country.
The table by country presents a summary of the statistics related to international migration for the country, including both permanent and temporary immigration; immigration by entry category; emigration to OECD countries; the number of asylum seekers; the components of population growth; the foreign-born population; GDP growth and GDP per capita; and the characteristics of the labor force of the migrant population, by gender.
The sources of the statistics presented in the tables by country are the following:
n Immigration – the national correspondents of the SICREMI network.
n Emigration to OECD countries – OECD International Migration Database.
n Asylum seekers: UNHCR.
n The Components of Population Growth – United Nations Population Division World Population Prospects (2010).
n Foreign-born population – United Nations Population Division, foreign-born populations (stocks).
n GDP growth and GDP per capita: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; GDP figures are based on purchasing power parity at constant 2005 dollars.
n Labor force insertion in OECD countries: the European Labor Force Survey and the Permanent Survey Population Survey for the United States (Current Population Survey).
Detailed information on the sources and definitions of the statistics can be found in Part IV of this publication.
Multi-year statistics are based on averages of annual data over the period indicated. The abbreviation “na” means “not available”.
The term nationality used in the country reports refers to legal, administrative or passport nationality. Defines the belonging of a person to a specific legal system. This link between an individual and a State generates reciprocal rights and duties and is different according to the legislation of each country. The variants can be summarized in three legal principles expressed in Latin: a) Ius sanguinis: right of blood, nationality is acquired as a result of being born to certain parents. Nationality is that of the parents, even if the child was born abroad. b) Ius soli: right of land, nationality acquired by the place of birth, regardless of the nationality of the parents. c) Ius domicili: right of domicile, nationality is acquired by the place of domicile, neighborhood or legal residence, setting as requirements certain terms or criteria for rooting (property, work, etc.). For the purposes of this report, Citizenship refers to nationality